San Gabriel: (626) 281-1836
288 S San Gabriel Blvd #103 San Gabriel CA 91776
2人份(2 Person):$25 3人份(3 Person):$33 4人份(4 Person):$40
送貨費(Delivery) $5
薯仔咖喱雞 Curry Potato Chicken
香菇肉碎豆腐 Minced Pork Braised Tofu
炒時菜 Daily Boiled Vegetable
猴頭姑豬骨湯 Lions Mane Pork Bone Soup
椒鹽豬扒 Salt & Pepper Pork Chop
魚香茄子 Minced Pork Garlic Sauce Eggplant
炒時菜 Daily Boiled Vegetable
蟲草花牛磅瘦肉湯 Cordyceps Flower Pork Bone Soup
蟲草花香菇蒸雞 Cordyceps Flower Steamed Chicken
肉片炒瓜 Sliced Pork Stir Fry Squash
炒時菜 Daily Boiled Vegetable
蕃茄薯仔湯 Tomato Soup
葱菜蒸排骨 Scallion Steamed Spare Ribs
粟米魚柳 Sweet Corn Fish Filet
炒時菜 Daily Boiled Vegetable
紫菜豬骨湯 Seaweed Pork Bone Soup
滷水雞髀 Soy Sauce Braised Chicken Drumstick
雜菇肥牛 Mushroom Beef Belly
炒時菜 Daily Boiled Vegetable
南北杏蘋果湯 Apricot Apple Soup
我們提供家庭小菜, 三菜一湯加白飯。少油少鹽, 絕無味精。每天不同菜式, 老火靚湯。免煮免洗,粵式主理家鄉風味。
We provide nutritious meal plan for families. Aiming to deliver healthy food made with light salt, oil and prohibit the use of MSG.
Varieties of traditional Cantonese dim sum, and custom made with special ingredient for customer needs.
包辦各類活動餐飲所需,請提前預訂和查詢關於免費送貨資料 !
Food catering service for all types of events and organizations. If Interested, please order ahead, and see if you qualify for free delivery.
Nutritious * Cooking * inspiration